Saturday, June 6, 2015

COMING SOON - Read Ahead

Hey Spies, meganisawesome3, and I have something new and exciting coming to Woozworld Spies shortly!

I will be starting to interview 'everyday Woozens' once a week, and possibly one special 'celebrity' guest ever month or so! I thought that this would be a good idea because usually in Woozworld, it's difficult for some to share their opinions on what's happening. 

Everyone has a voice, and it deserves to be heard! 

I honestly just want to get to know where people's heads are at these days and get some perspective on certain topics, maybe even some not related to Woozworld. The topics will change every week but may or may not fall under the same category. I'll even allow Woozen's to come back and be interviewed a second time!

All interviews will be posted on this blog! You can remain anonymous or share your Woozen name.
And because I appreciate the fact that some Woozen's are really willing to put themselves out there, out of the 4 I interviewed for that month, I will choose one to win a special prize which are currently undetermined. Please don't go and think that I will choose someone richer or I thought they were 'nicer', I'm seriously just going to pull a name from a hat or something like that. ;)

So I guess I have an idea of what this whole thing is going to look like but the one small problem I have is I can't come up with a name for the 'segment'. I want you Spies to help me decide! If you come up with something creative, message it to my Woozen (meganisawesome3) and the best one will be the name of the segment possibly winning a sweet prize. I know this decision will be tough!

Ciao for now!


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