Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Poppycock is Here!

Hey guys! It's Pop, or Poptropicamaster. I've been accepted as one of the trial bloggers (yay!) for this blog, Woozworld Spies. I'm really lucky and happy to be a part of a blog as organized and unique as this one.

Mainly, I'll be posting about some general topics, but my main focus is on giving you all the latest update on new features added to Woozworld, fashion, and giving you just general info and heads-ups about things going on. What I love about blogging is that you can mix in topics here and there, it's like one big melting pot!

Anyways, what I wanted to talk to you today about is my own  Woozen's Guide to a successful business, just giving you general do's and don'ts when selling your items. Here we go!

  • DO make it a price that you know people will be able to afford. So no sky high prices like 999k or whatever XD
  • DON'T sell it if you're not sure you want to get rid of it. Especially if it's something you've owned for a while or really like.
  • DO listen to your customer's offers. If they message you, message them back with a deal or a changed offer.
  • DON'T (never do this, EVER!) promise them that you'll give them something if you buy this or that. It usually makes people kinda suspicious, especially if you're really pushing them. And it can make people think you're a scammer.
Well, guys, I wrote kinda a lot. xD I hope you guys enjoyed my first post! :D

Poppycock signing off,

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