(NOTE, every time you refresh, it restarts. *REFRESH AT YOUR OWN RISK!*)
Step 1) Open you're objectivz and go to the unit
Step 2) Click the tiles that I have selected
Step 3) Click the tiles that I have selected
Step 4) Click the tiles that I have selected
Step 5) Click the tiles that I have selected
Step 6) Click the chest to receive you're prizes!
Step 7) Click the Chest to receive this in your inventory, and a symbz!
(Lost Monkey Statue)
Ancient Monkey Hieroglyphic Symbz
Ta-Da! Now you have completed the first quest! The next three are to find the lost jaguars, toucans, and turtles! Sadly, they're all trapped in pollution! ;( They're hidden in random Woozworld Rainforest unitz, so just click the different tiles until you see some to click! Here's how they look:
Poor trapped animals! It really is tragic and true! x(
Well good luck on the maze everybody, until next time! <3 xoxo~Rosie
Can you guys come out with how to get all the animals? I need like of each.