Saturday, April 25, 2015

Submit A Spy Story

Hey Spies! It's Rosie, and I was being bored today and I thought, why not add some things to the blog, that's when I had the idea for submitting a story! Not just any story, a Spy Story! What's the big deal? Well it's gonna be fun! <3

Every week, I'm going to have a new writing prompt, or a sentence that you need to create a story about! Basically a finish the sentence game, but this time, you'll be making it into a story! Here's an example:

Prompt: I was sneaking around their base, but suddenly...
Possible Stories:

  • Suddenly, I felt a big, meaty hand envelope my face, I was trapped! I needed to call for backup right away, but I couldn't like this! I shuffled through my pockets and found my lip gloss laser, I aimed it and I felt the hand release!...
  • I heard footsteps, they were on to me! I had to escape as fast as I could! I didn't complete the mission yet, so I had to be alert for the important file I was looking for...
See? Simple, yet fun! It can be as long as you like and the first story will be chosen on Monday! Submit a story by clicking here!

Enjoy this new feature Spies! Every story will be published on the 'Creativity Corner' page as well now! <3 


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