Saturday, May 23, 2015

#FashionBoosters: WoozPacks and Exclusive Outfits!

Hey Spies, and welcome to another round of #FashionBoosters with Sierra!
As you all know, I recently did a #CoffeeTalkWithSierra- be sure to check the post out to see what's the controversy on this year's Prom!
I was checking out the Woozworld Store earlier to find out about some interesting wooz packs going on right now! (#LimitedTimeOffer)

Here's the Store's limited time wooz pack offer below:

I bought one myself for $9.99, and I had happy results. Also, and not only did I receive an exclusive girl outfit but A TITLE of "Prom 2k15 Fashion Police"! But... I'll just keep my Billboards title up there for now.

The girl's exclusive outfit contains colorable trEND Heels, Malgnificent Skirt, Magnificent Dress, and trEND Hair for you to rock out exclusively!
So get out there and buy some really cool Wooz Packs before they're gone!
Until next time, woozens!
XOXO, Sierra
"Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust."

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