Saturday, December 12, 2015

*NEW* The Closet

Stylish Saturday Spies. It's Chrissy. Wondering why I wasn't posting for the past 3-5 weeks? I just returned from Hawaii (There wasn't any wifi in my hotel ;'c). So Sorry T^T... Anyways, when I logged on I realized WzW changed quite a bit while I was gone. 1.Apparently 2 events happened in my absence (thank you Ella for suppling me info :D) I believe something to do with modelling and the hunger games XD? Something about elfs are happening now but I guess I'll talk about the closet today. I managed to get a screenshot of my closet!:
Ok so thats an example of how it looks. So the concept of the closet is to make life easier XD well at least wearing garments easier ;-;. I like the idea of a closet but I hate the price of the recommendations. If I can recall that used to be the actual price of hair but now you can also purchase them with beex. I just think it's a bit crazy to be selling a hair for 130 wooz when it's actually less than 200 beex in the shopz. Anyways, the really cool thing about this closet is you can save outfits (you can save more outfits when you become VIP). Did I mention that it sends you a notification when you attempt to colour something (the closet also allows you to try out colours on your clothing and your woozen models it). Thats all for today spies! Stay fabulous (and make sure you become a cookie O_O. Bye XD

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